

Recent Obituaries
In Memoriam Archive

Francis Hardin Shaw ’48

Francis Hardin Shaw ’48, May 28, 2007, in Corvallis, Oregon. Frank received a BA from Reed in history. He earned an MA from University of California, Berkeley, and from Harvard, and a PhD from Harvard in 1957. He married Roberta Chatfield ’46, who died in 1992. Frank was a professor of history at Oregon State University. His career included receipt of a Rockefeller Foundation grant in support of a visiting appointment for study at Miles College in Birmingham, Alabama; service on the minority affairs committee at OSU; and receipt of a Civil Liberty Award for “outstanding leadership in establishing a comprehensive curriculum in Afro-American history,” and for his long-standing commitment to civil liberties. Survivors include his wife, Joan; his son; and two stepchildren.

Appeared in Reed magazine: May 2008