

Thinker. Tailor. Soldier. Spy.

The kaleidoscopic career of designer Emilio Pucci MA ’37.

Fire in the Belly

Prof. Bob Kaplan probes deep questions about global warming and the fire-bellied toad.

Rail Yard Blues

Senior thesis tracks pollution at Portland rail yard.

Sketching Infinity

Vance Feldman ’05 is busy drafting what may be the longest illustration in the world.

Revolutionary Spirit

Sandy Macdonald ’46 and the bombardment of Winch.

Saving Starfish

Reed Leadership Academy (RELAY) trains students in the art of collaboration.

Revel on the Level

The “Night Owls” are a different kind of party animal

The Engineered Crisis

Demographer Michael Teitelbaum ’66 challenges the conventional wisdom about America’s shortage of engineers.